Buzzy Cards, Stickers*

Buzzy Cards Packet and Card Reverse


The Buzzy trading card and sticker sets were produced in Brazil to promote The Fellowship of the Ring. Each packet included two small pieces of gum, with a sticker inside the wrapper. Stickers presented a scene from the movie, the sorts found on Topps trading cards, only in miniature. There were 100 stickers in the set. Each packet also contained one trading card, each card with a different character.

Forthcoming: I will perhaps create a PDF of card numbers, characters, colors, and attributes (don’t want to spoil the game by giving all the character statistics!). Also, my collection of stickers has gone into hiding, so descriptions and photos of them will have to wait.

Buzzy Cards Box

Buzzy Card Set

The 36 trading cards in this vibrantly colored set formed a game using a distinct combination of five character qualities represented by the person on the card:

  • Força (strength)
  • Destreza (skill or dexterity)
  • Vigor (energy or constitution)
  • Sabedoria (wisdom)
  • Coragem (courage)

Buzzy Card List and Colors

# Card Name/Title Color
01 Frodo Magenta
02 Ferroada Frodo Brown
03 Capa Elfica Frodo Blue
04 Um Anel Frodo RING Green
05 Samwise Green
06 Merry Orange
07 Pippin Blue
08 Bilbo RING Magenta
09 Bilbo em Casa Brown
10 Aragorn Brown
11 Anduril Aragorn Yellow
12 Boromir Blue/yellow
13 Corneta Boromir Grey
14 Galadriel RING Purple
15 Espelho Galadriel Blue
16 Lothlorien Galadriel Yellow/blue
17 Elrond RING Green
18 Legolas Green
19 Arco Legolas Yellow
20 Arwen Magenta
21 Arwen a Cavalo Blue
22 Gimli Red
23 Machado Gimli Green
24 Gimli em Moria Blue
25 Orcs Maroon
26 Moria Orcs Blue
27 Uruk-Hai Maroon
28 Ringwraiths Blue
29 Espada Ringwraiths Yellow
30 Ringwraiths a Cavalo Grey
31 Gandalf RING Brown
32 Glamdring Gandalf Magenta
33 Cajado Gandalf Orange
34 Saruman Grey
35 Palantir Saruman Orange
36 Orthanc Saruman Black

Rules of the Game (original Portuguese)

Senhor dos Aneis

A Sociedade do Anel

Distribusa as cartas igualmente, de acordo com a numero de jogadores. Aquelas que sobrarem devern set retirades do jogo excepto se forem de combate so “Um Anel” ou a propria.

O combate e seito escolhendo uma das caracteristicas e ganha quem tiver a mace pontuacao A carta “Um Anel” ganhade qualquer outra, menos diqelas que estiverem com o desenho de um anel em preto a branco. O jogador que pegar a “Um Anel”, devera canta-la antes da escolha de qualquer caracteristica, caso contrario Valera a regra pera jogadas normais. Quando outro jogador tiver a carta de combate a “Um Anel”, este a conquistara para si. Caso houver mais de um jogador com a carta de combate a “Um Anel”, somente estes deverao realzar uma segunda part da com cartas diferentes. O vencedor ficara com todas as cartas da rodada. Vence aquele que ficar com todas as cartas do jogo.

Rules of the Game (translated into English by a Brazilian acquaintance)

Lord Of The Rings

The Fellowship Of The Rings

Distribute the cards equally according to the number of players. The remaining cards should be retrieved from the game except if they are of “one ring” combat or if they are it.

The combat is done by choosing one of the characteristics, the winner is the one that has the most points. The card “one ring” wins over all the other cards, except for the ones that have a ring drawn in black and white on it.

The player that gets “one ring” must show it before choosing any characteristic, otherwise, it will go into the rules of the normal plays. When another player has the card of combat to “one ring”, it will conquer the “one ring” for himself. If there is more than one player with the card of combat to “one ring” only those players should start a second play with different cards. The winner will keep all of the cards of that round. The winner is determined by the one who gets all of the cards of the game.

Rules of the Game (auto-translated into English via Google language tools)

Lord of the Rings

The Fellowship of the Ring

Distribusa letters also, according to the number of players. Those that are left in September devern Withdrawal of the game unless they are fighting so “One Ring” or own.

The combat and sect of features and choosing a winner is the mace punctuation the letter “A Ring ganhade any other, unless they are diqelas with the design of a ring in black in white. The player who hit the “One Ring” you should sing it before the election of any feature, otherwise the rule Valera pear regular play. When another player has the card to fight the “One Ring”, the latter won for himself. If there is more than one player with the fighting “One Ring”, these should only Realz a second part with the different letters. The winner had kept all the letters of the round. Vence who keep all the cards in the game.

[Sidenote about auto-translation: I wonder if it made a difference that I didn’t have any diacritic marks. At any rate, with machine translation it is always wise to have the “translation” reviewed by a native speaker whenever possible.)